Monday, October 25, 2010


I don't recall ever making a baby blanket in green.  I don't know why.  I've made white, yellow, pink, blue & purple.  But for whatever reason, I've never done green.  I was planning a blanket for for a baby boy and they didn't have enough yarn at the store for blue.  So, I thought, "why not green?".  So, I picked up green yarn.  The last time I made this particular pattern, I bought enough yarn to make 2.  But, in my fogged brain, I just remembered the number of skeins I bought before and not how many blankets I was making with it!  So, I had enough yarn to make 2 of this pattern.  I made one for the little boy and decided to make the other one for a baby whose gender I didn't know yet.  So, I thought green would be just fine. Turns out they are having a girl!  I think the green blanket will be just as good for the girl as it was for the boy.  That's the thing about greens and yellows ... they are truely gender neutral!
I'm really beginning to like this particular pattern.  It works up really fast but it looks SO cute.  It has become my second favorite pattern!
I just could NOT get the lighting to cooperate with me.  This is really a mint-green.  But, the color isn't showing up so good.

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